Reasons to become His disciple


There is no greater opportunity to invest your life in something eternal and eternally significant.  Literally everything else pales into insignificance compared to the glory of Christ and His Kingdom.  Paul referred to it as "the eternal weight of glory."  You are being offered the opportunity to move in the power of the Spirit of God, to bring joy to your Creator, and to participate in even GREATER works than what Jesus did when He was on the earth.

Jesus makes certain promises to those who are His:  forgiveness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide and empower, understanding of His Word, and many others you will soon discover.

There are other "precious promises" that get less attention:  "in this world you will have tribulation," and "...when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man."  Jesus does not offer exemption from the hardships of life; indeed, some of your difficulties may become more intense.  However, He does promise that He will never leave you or forsake you, and He also guarantees that it will be worth it.

Friends and even family members may resist your efforts to follow Christ.  They may feel conviction because your passion contrasts with their indifference.  They may object to the ways you choose to spend your time and money.  They may even be offended by your sudden interest in reading the Bible.  Your love for Christ WILL become evident to all, and may earn you some contempt (or worse) at school or on the job.

These may all sound like reasons to NOT become a disciple; to look for some easier way.  But there is none.  Jesus sees and divides men in stark, binary terms.  He sees those who love and trust Him completely, and then He sees everybody else.  There is no "halfway" or "lukewarm" option.

So-called "prosperity preachers" offer a misrepresentation of the gospel.  Jesus is not particularly concerned with your happiness, but He is totally committed to your holiness.  Before you make a commitment, you are to COUNT THE COST. 

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