Search For Significance - Contents

"I Don't Believe in God..."
I am willing to be honest with myself
Am I not willing to be honest with myself
Was I created for a reason?
Am I the result of unguided natural evolutionary processes?
Decision Point #1
I am a created being ...
I am a random result of some natural process.
Maybe I should consider the Bible...
Maybe I should not consider the Bible...
Decision Point #2
I will consider the Bible
I choose to not consider the Bible
Was Jesus who He claimed to be?
Maybe Jesus was not who He claimed to be
Decision Point #3
I believe that Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be
I do not believe that Jesus Christ was who He claimed to be
I do not believe the Biblical record is accurate.
Reasons to become His disciple
The Discipleship Question
What about 'repentance'?
Decision Point #4
I have committed my life to Jesus Christ
A Final Clarification
What's Next?
I have some church or Bible background
Is the Bible Reliable?
Does Life Have Meaning?
An Exchange of Values